day forty nine.7:06pm

has it really been forty-nine days? man, that’s a lot. feels like a lot too. i am so ready for this hibernation thing to be over. i can’t wait to be amongst the real world again with my three babes.
and i’m so tired of hearing “what’s next, mom” from D.

the kiddos picnicking with their Papa
(photo thanks to my mom)

wow. lots of (pretend) boo boos. Ah, babydoll and K
all adorning bandaids.

once i got all three kids down for their naps, this lovely piece of ice cream cake was waiting for me on the couch.

while i was bathing L, the big kids and B found Woody using the potty while reading a toy story book. how embarrassing.

it was a long day. and i was in my pajamas before D even got into bed: 7:06pm. yep. who says having kids has changed me?

day forty eight.a very merry unbirthday to you

this is how i found the little man two minutes
after putting him on the floor. apparently he wanted to
watch the olympics like his siblings.
K collecting dandelions for our celebration today.

and doing a little gardening back at home.

we celebrated Auntie B’s half birthday today.
presents and cake and singing!
and yes, her hair always looks that good.

K mesmerizing L with her kazoo playing.

was the sun ever shining today! wow.
i was about to feed L solids when i saw this shot from
the kitchen window and ran outside to capture it.

and of course, she followed me.

and here she is happy as a lark swinging with her daddy.
(photo thanks to B)

what a joyful kiddo. sitting right next to the running dishwasher. he was so calm! i now have a reason to actually
do the dishes that are always sitting on the counter.
and fyi the pink bumbo is not his. we’re borrowing it from our PT.

day forty seven.the ice skating babydoll

L had his first occupational therapy (OT) visit today.
it’s amazing how your outlook can completely change with just a few short words. his therapist said “i think he’s doing really great.” what a difference from what we’ve often heard from medical professionals.
wow. i was on cloud nine the rest of the day.

the sweet little heart from her oatmeal that K left for me by accident at the kitchen table.

handsome boy

the brilliant jet stream we spotted on our afternoon walk.

the children and

the beautiful old fence we’ve recently discovered.

my new art wall! my sis got these for me for Christmas and B installed them this week! before, we would just randomly tape all the kids’ artwork up on the wall. oh, how i love being organized.

while K was delaying falling asleep for her nap, i went into her room and she proceeded to tell me that babydoll was pretending to ice skate. i told her to tell babydoll that it was naptime.
worked like a charm.

Lent begins tomorrow.
what i am going to give up (and i have done this in years past)
is my time on the computer when the children are awake.

while emailing with my sister about what i’d be giving up for the weeks leading up to Easter i typed: “i must tell you that i just typed and then deleted the following: be more strict about my sugar consumption. because, who wants to hate life like that? not me!”

my sister then replied:
“yeah. sugar is a gift from God. and it may work for other people, but restricting myself from delicious sweets does not in fact make me grow closer and spend more time with Him.
so I agree with you.”

i’ll leave you with that as i go and eat some delicious dessert.

day forty six.outside all day long

why did today seem so long?
maybe because it was such a lovely day and
we should have been at the beach.
all day long.
instead, we were at home all day long.

we made homemade bubbles. it took about 10 minutes to get it set up. D was done before i could even snatch a photo of him. then he said, “what are we doing next?” apparently, he wasn’t impressed. luckily, K was!

we played in the backyard almost the entire day.
we had a picnic table as well as a picnic blanket set up.
the kids did art on the easel, washed all of their little vehicles, watered the plants, and we (i.e. me)
even managed to clean it up a little bit.

my happy little kitchen helper.

peanut butter face.

leaving for our long walk which took nearly an hour
(and yes, we only went two blocks).

we didn’t quite make it home in time for his nap.
he didn’t seem to mind.

the aircraft carrier that K purposely destroyed
the moment D went in his room.

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