Author name: hill

heart-shaped toes

i could just stare up at our tree
all afternoon long.
too bad there are about a thousand other things that i need to be doing
all afternoon long.

the kids and i watered the plants (thanks Os) on our front porch
which of course means that we watered everything else in sight.
which inevitably makes some lovely puddles.

what will she not climb on?

L’s sweet toes.
a friend of the kids remarked that his big one looks like a heart.
i love.
it totally does.

and, because it is thursday that means it is
{embrace the camera} day!

photo kindly (and gently) taken by D.

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3

61. dirty, dirty hands and feet
62. the kids’ matching jammies
63. the pedicure i’m off to
64. the fro yo i’m going to surprise the hubby with
65. movie night with the hubby

photos to remember.

as you remember, my sweet friend, Britta,
took our family photos on B and my seventh anniversary.
it was something that i will always and forever remember.
what a special day to make some new memories and
remember how far we’ve come in just a year.

and i cried a
when i saw these photos.

as i told Britta, she
those little moments,
the looks and glances
that are so easily not seen outside of our family’s walls.

she was
gentle and sweet and calm
(even when the gummy bears and jelly beans with which i was bribing my children kicked in)
and they were not
gentle and sweet and calm.

and on my giving thanks for a thousand graces list, i mistakenly listed:
#20. getting my photo taken

i should have been more specific as the children (yes, all three)
and i spent the morning at the DMV so that i could get my picture taken.
it wasn’t quite the same as when Britta did it.
despite what you would think, we did not
enjoy our time at the DMV.
unless, you count the false-alarm poop that K thought she needed to partake in.
and if you know me, you know that i
public bathrooms.
with a passion.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16

56. antibacterial hand gel
57. little bags of fishy crackers
58. patience
59. dishes that seem to do themselves
(thank you, B and my parents for always doing the dishes!)
60. blowing bubbles

the uncluttering gift.

my sister-in-law and i both love flylady (the book… not the website).
so when i was thinking of a gift for her birthday this year,
i knew to steer clear of things that would clutter up her home.

when i saw this great tutorial, i knew exactly
what i wanted to bless her with.

so instead of cluttering up her house, these will just clutter up her walls!
happy, happy birthday, MK!

i knew i’d miss having hers around…

so i made some of our own.
it’s too simple not to do it.

51. visits from Miss Laura and Aunt WW
52. butterflies fluttering in our backyard
53. swim dates with the cousins
54. birthday celebrations
55. being together as a family

spinning, spinning, spinning.

this weekend, i found myself
totally and completely
outnumbered by lots and lots (well, just 3) of little children.
B was gone on a quick golf trip (even if it didn’t feel very quick to me).
soon, the children took over the entire house.

which, of course, included my bed.

so, i decided that we had to get out of the house.
and fast.

to the library we headed.

K picked some great books.
she also may have picked her nose.
but, we’re working on limiting that to the bathroom only.

next stop:

ice cream, of course!

we all had fun picking out something special to eat.

K doesn’t like ice cream for some strange reason.
so she got m&m’s instead.

L simply enjoyed watching the fans spin
he even started signing “fan” at the ice cream store.
see, there are benefits to taking your kids out for a mid-afternoon sugar fix.

and my little sweetness who dances
e v e r y w h e r e

found a great spot to dance while we waited for the elevator.
the excess sugar in her system probably aided some of her dance moves.

and this little man even sported a sweet ‘stache.

after an eventful and exhausting day, it’s nice to sit down at dinner to find this:

even if you were the one who set the table.
(thanks for the plate, Gram!)

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

46. stillness
47. husbands returning home
48. a glass of wine at the end of the day
49. receiving lots of hugs
50. new signs

i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

babydoll had to be washed,
and she was hot out of the dryer when K needed to go to bed.
so what’s a mother to do?

that’s right… i put her right in the freezer for a quick cool-off.
worked like a charm.
and yes, i love.
ice cream.
a lot.
when i’m at home, my favorite is vanilla with chocolate sauce and cut up bananas.

ready for a swim

they are ready for this summer!
get ready, Miss Laura!


my little fishy, fishy.

d and me

D and me.

along with emily, i’m going continue the {embrace the camera} challenge every single week.
it’s so nice to actually be in photos with my children!

kissy kissy.

L has the wildest bangs.
his hair actually grows in two directions which forms this wave of wispy hair,
right on the very top of his head.
it was kind of cute for a while
but then it started to look like he was trying to
win a competition for the biggest bangs from the eighties.
they were totally curling over and everything.

old hair
see what i mean?

so, i finally broke down and gave him his first real haircut.
(although, when he was in the PICU in december,
they had to shave a small patch of his head
for the IV– but i refuse to count that as his first haircut.)

the hair
the cut hair.

new hair
the new hair.
see how happy he is!

day 4 of {embrace the camera} challenge.

kissy kissy
kissy kissy.
i am happy to report that i am
that L will kiss.

other than that, we’ve just been hanging out on the floor.

41. chocolaty desserts in the afternoon
42. well-napped children
43. fun, full weekend plans
44. the end of the day
45. taking photos

take me out to the old ball game.

we did something spontaneous.
i don’t usually like that word.
actually, i abhor that word.
the mere thought of doing something spontaneous makes my palms sweat.
i am a planner through and through.
i like to be prepared and with that comes
lots of thought,
and planning,
and perfect timing.
but, since B is very spontaneous, i went with it.
and you know what?
it wasn’t so bad.
it was actually very, very good.
but do you think i’ll be spontaneous again anytime soon?
not if i have anything to do with it.

we took the kids to our local college’s last baseball game of the year.
we couldn’t beat the price of the $2 tickets.

K, our most athletic in the bunch thus far.

baseball game
all eyes on the game.

she sat in
(i missed the photo op in seat #7)
i suppose it was to make sure she had the very best possible view.

day 3 of {embrace the camera} challenge.

me & my girl
my girl and me.

36. finding action figures in a certain little boy’s bed
37. starting a project
38. finishing that same project
39. waking up to the sound of a baby laughing… in his sleep
40. spontaneity

message received.

i think D’s sending me a message.

sending me a message
okay, you don’t like crust!
i’m hearing you loud and clear.

day 2 of {embrace the camera} challenge.

day 2.
our lunchtime picnic outside.

hope your day is filled with more sandwich and less crust.

31. listening to birds chirping
32. K deciding the cloud looks like a rainbow
33. the promise of a delicious dessert
34. encouraging words
35. a dirty kitchen floor (which means that outside fun has occurred)

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