Author name: hill

those guys.

we had such a lovely father’s day,
celebrating the two greatest guys in my life:

B with D


my dad, “Papa” with D and L.
we named D after my dad.
and they have this most incredible connection
that started the day D was born.
i’m not even lying.

and props to my hubby for putting up with the
not-so-enthusiastic viewers of the open on sunday.

both these guys love me and they love these kiddies

so darn much.

and i love them.
to pieces.

As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him
Psalm 103:13

sam i am.

it’s {embrace} the camera day!

and this is what happens when i ask B to take our photo.
he must have just heard me ask if he could take L’s photo.
oh well… he sure is cute (and yes, i’m talking about B).
and this is how sweet L looks at his daddy.

as you notice, i am wearing a most fashionable
colored-pasta-on-a-string necklace, compliments of D.

and this is to show you how close L likes to be to me.
we are touching.
and yes, all of his toys and a lovely blanket are ready and waiting for him.

i tried to get L’s hearing checked yesterday with no avail.
he wouldn’t let the sweet nurse put anything in his ear.
today, i headed there for our second attempt in which the nurse
came down to our car to do the test on a sleeping L.
(side note: we think he hears perfectly but some of his docs
want to verify that there isn’t any sort of slight hearing issue
to combat any speech issues that he could experience down the road)
well, of course L woke up just as the nurse got to our car.
so while i was outside of the car with him, trying my best to distract him
through the test, D figured out how to unbuckle his carseat
which means that he figured out how to unbuckle K’s carseat, too!
and then they found my stash of gummy bears!
i do not like that, sam i am.

after that, we headed off to the beach.
and by “we” i mean, D, K, L and me.
not one other soul came with us.
i sort of did it just to prove to myself that
a.) we could do something like that
b.) that we could maybe even possibly have fun
and you know what?
we had an absolute blast.
at just about any moment it could have all fallen apart.
but it didn’t.
and get this… when we left, nobody was crying.
not even me.

and you can’t really tell in this photo, but i am wearing my US Open visor.
bonus points.

don’t you just love the tote bag view in this shot?

we had so much fun that we decided to all take naps on the beach.

hah. i wish.

the kids dug a couple of holes and made some new friends.

D was just about as happy as a clam.

maybe even this one.

i have never seen so many clams on the shore before.
every little white spot in this shot was an itty-bitty clam.

lucky for me, my more adventurous child, K, was deathly afraid of the waves.

D, on the other hand, was fearless.

we enjoyed the sunshine, we had fun, we learned things.
i for one, learned that there was something on the lens i took with me!

there’s something that happens to me when i take photos.
something incredible.
something quite lovely.

instead of just buzzing through moments, not really being exactly in them,
i am forced to stop and enjoy and love what i see.
it’s great.
it’s really, really great.

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
for he founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the waters.
Psalm 24:1-2

p.s. do you think it would be emasculating for me to teach D to
always sit while going to the bathroom? i’m just saying….

91. being able to hang onto that baby stage a bit longer
92. the fact that i was the only one who got sunburned
93. being able to share my faith with a stranger at the beach
94. sand, sand, everywhere
95. surprise dessert treats

there’s nothing much better than.

i’m a bit tired.
i’m a bit cranky.
i’m a bit (okay… very) behind on my responsibilities in life.
but i just can’t stop thinking about all the fun we’ve been having.
so today, i am going to show you some of those
memory making moments we’ve been enjoying.

while the children nap or are in rest time,
there is nothing much better than drinking this:

homemade (not by me!) pineapple coriander lemonade.
(isn’t this ikea bottle just adorable?)
and yes, i really had to try hard to not show you
all of the stuff currently on my counter tops.

there is nothing much better than
feeling like the summer has begun
(more on that later)

there is nothing much better than
picking blueberries.
ahhh… one of my most favorite memories to date.

this shot is brought to you because of L
who needed to be nursed in the middle of the blueberry fields.

the blueberries were a lovely, deep, dark blue.

and the farm we visited allows you to
“sample but not make a meal out of your pickins.”

we had to beg him to try just one.

whereas K ate like fifteen thousand times more than she put in any bucket.
(they are the complete opposite. i so love that.)

D wore this blue shirt because we were picking blueberries.

doesn’t this shot look like we were out in the boonies?
we were.

and after a day of picking all of these,
it was only natural to want to do this:

even if the water was utterly filthy.

i know, i even shocked myself by allowing the kiddos to do that.

there’s nothing much better than
getting completely
hot and
sticky and
at a farm.

and there’s nothing much better than bringing back
a big bunch of oranges for B.
if you’re a part of our family, you know that if you ever
let me repeat… ever go to a farm,
you must do this.

there’s nothing much better.

Taste and see that the LORD is good
Psalm 34:8

86. berry picking
87. dreaming about what to do with those scrumptious picked berries
88. easy summer dinners
89. the beautiful views from this year’s US Open coverage
(at least i can see things other than the golf coverage while B is watching)
90. thinking about vacations

the best day.

any birthday that you are not
in the hospital
is a good day.
even if you do receive the most incredible present
on your actual birthday
(a.k.a. L)
you are still
in the hospital.

even if your extremely generous and thoughtful husband
gets take-out sushi from your favorite restaurant, you are still
in the hospital.
even if you get gifts and an ice cream cake (the best)
from your now nurse friends, you are still
in the hospital.
so this year, it already started out better than being
in the hospital.

and this year – boy this year was a bang!
it started and ended with such a celebration.
such a celebration of life.

it all began on saturday, when my sweet sis completely surprised me
by flying in from texas for the special weekend!
not even my parents knew she was making the trek.

i soaked up every single second with her.

and so did L.

on sunday, i got breakfast in bed.
by the way, my family has this horrible tradition of taking your photo
first thing in the morning on your birthday. we’ve even been known to
re-do a photo (and try to look sleepy) in the case of
someone forgetting to capture that moment.
B has so kindly continued that tradition…
needless to say, that photo will not be posted here for the whole wide world to see.
even though L looked just fine.

sweet Auntie B and me
with the most adorable hand-made (by Auntie B) mobile hanging in our tree out front.
and don’t even ask how it was found on a wedding blog.

a couple mobiles up close.

i got to be with my husband and my children.
all of my children.

i got to share the day with my sweet little L.
we will always get to share this day.

Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Psalm 23:6

one year ago today.

one year ago today.
one year ago today i was frantically finishing knitting a scarf.
one year ago today i had been on hospital bedrest for 40 days.
one year ago today i was anxiously awaiting our newest arrival.
one year ago today i was secretly hoping L would arrive today because
then he would be born on the 12th of the month like both of his siblings.
(boy, did God have a much better birth day planned.)
one year ago today i had no idea what this year was going to look like.
not one tiny bit.
one year ago today i was pregnant.
one year ago today i was very, very pregnant.

today, i am able to see how this past year has been much more fulfilling than i could have ever imagined.

and this article so beautifully articulates where i am beginning to head with my gift.
it is a must read.
a must.

david crowder’s “how he loves” song has been resonating with me as of late:

He is jealous for me,
loves like a hurricane, i am a tree,
bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.
when all of a sudden,
i am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
and i realize just how beautiful You are,
and how great Your affections are for me.

and oh, how He loves us so,
oh how He loves us,
how He loves us all

yeah, He loves us,
oh! how He loves us,
oh! how He loves us,
oh! how He loves.

we are His portion and He is our prize,
drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
if grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
and Heaven meets earth like an unforseen kiss,
and my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
i don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
when I think about, the way

81. unexpected gifts
82. surprises
83. pure joy
84. simple joys
85. how He loves us

dirty fingernails.

it’s {embrace} the camera day!

D and me hanging out in the front yard
while the other little munchkins sleep the afternoon away.

my freckly face.
must be nearly summertime.

D telling me all about the sun and the moon.

praise God for our little gardener.
without him, nothing would ever be watered.
and tonight, we enjoyed fresh basil in our tomato sauce and
all of the lettuce in our salad was from our garden.

Auntie B and D working on some fun projects.

all of the kids joined me while i got a haircut.
B has been getting his hair cut from Germain since before we were engaged.
she’s practically part of the family.

and total
i have been leaving the big kids notes each night
which greet them when they get up in the morning.
the notes tell them of some of the fun that we will have each day.
they only get the notes
and only if
they go to bed nicely.
seems to be working thus far.

76. fresh food from our garden
77. wonderfully accurate developmental assessments
78. the windows open while the sprinklers are on
79. it nearly being the weekend
80. priceless moments following dinner

meet my children.

it’s about time you meet my children.
and by that, i mean that you really get to know them.

meet D:

age: 4.5
favorite color: orange
favorite thing to do: make people (or just himself) laugh
best buddy: princeton
(princeton was B’s when he was a kid – hence his matted fur)

meet K:

age: 2.5
favorite color: pink & pink
favorite thing to do: be dramatic. about everything
best buddy: babydoll

meet L:

age: 1
favorite color: green, maybe?
favorite thing to do: be held by mommy and mommy only
best buddy: owlie friend

lately, i have been hearing God’s whispers.
they have been distinct and wonderful.

The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
1 Kings 19:11-12

71. being encouraged
72. encouraging others (my spiritual gift)
73. experiencing something that opens my eyes.
and i mean really opens my eyes
74. checking things off of my to-do list
75. anticipating birthdays!
(you all know how much we love birthdays here)

spectacular, spectacular.

i love being disciplined.
i get a kick out of it.
i know… i’m strange.
i love using my time as efficiently as possible.
am i the only one out there?
for instance, when i heat up K’s milk for bedtime, i use the 45 seconds to do as many things as i possibly can.
it really is amazing what can be accomplished in that short period of time.
i am convinced that it eventually will save me hours and hours.

this is what happens when we don’t regulate
how many buddies D gets to bring into our bed for his rest time.

it’s like a disneyland gift shop in there.

we had an absolutely spectacular weekend.
we went away,
ate great food,
saw a lot of family,
even some dear friends.
we were spontaneous,
and we had so much fun.

we had a delightful visit with Great Gram
and her fabulous new haircut.
the kids (i.e. the kids and B) putted on her putting green and K snuck in a few snuggles.

we decided to go to an annual parade on the island where
my dad grew up and where my other grandmother lives.
her husband, whom my children call “that guy” knew every single person in the parade.
and each one made sure to wave to “that guy.”

L loved the parade except for the sirens.

D and Great Grammy had a fantastic time grabbing every piece of candy thrown near where they were sitting.

D clapped, cheered and smiled throughout the entire parade.

K reaped the benefits of having an outgoing brother.

a rare shot of B and me.
we were both up a lot last night

because of this little person.

66. maple bar donuts
(from the same donut shop my dad went to when he was a kid)
67. gorgeous sunny days
68. boat rides
69. extra help in the mornings (thanks, dad!)
70. being home, once again

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