giving thanks.
that i do not know it all.
this round ends tomorrow at 6pm!
just click on the icon above and
vote for this little blog on the right side of the page!
(the first round ends on friday.)
486. being protected from the rain storm
487. being able to worship with D at church
488. fun parties with friends
489. babies who fall back to sleep on their own
490. a new (old) art table
she said that she wanted to wear her hair “just like this.”
and this, this is what she looked like afterwards.
don’t you just want to eat her up?
i do.
D just got this book from this sweet girl and has been absolutely enthralled by it.
while the two littles were sleeping, we snuggled on the couch together
and read until i was just about to fall asleep.
you see, when i stop moving,
my body thinks it’s napping time.
so instead of a nap, we made a snowflake for each member of the family.
actually, he picked the designs out, i cut them and he unfolded them.
and this morning,
B suggested we teach L more signs.
so while i was getting ready, he showed him a few essential signs:
today is the first day of voting for:
just click on the icon above and
vote for this little blog on the right side of the page!
fyi, voting ends at 6pm on friday.
476. no seizures
477. an early evening walk in search of leaves
478. dinner ready at 6pm on the dot.
479. clean laundry
(nevermind that it’s waiting to be folded)
480. L’s OT who commented on his progress today
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?
Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Luke 12:6-7