Author name: hill

laughter + more laughter.

it’s {embrace} the camera day!

i (bravely) asked K if she wouldn’t mind taking D and my picture.
56 seconds and 70 shots later,
(i wish i were exaggerating)
this is what we got…

but D and i were laughing hard.

really, really hard.

luckily, she did get some really great shots of:

the dishwasher.

and D’s shirt.

and the drawers.

and the microwave.

and the sticker charts.

and the cabinets.

Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Psalm 126:2

366. homemade apple pie (more on that later)
367. post rain
368. folding laundry with B
369. K’s made up songs
370. the Bible verse the kids have memorized this year at CBS

a sweet little girl.

oh, what a fabulous few days it has been.
okay, four days.
over the weekend, we had
our very first
special needs playdate.
it was
of course,
simply wonderful.
this sweet little girl’s mommy and i have become fast friends online,
(through a mutual friend)
and we were so thrilled to finally be able to meet each other,
in person.
although our children’s needs are different,
we have been able to relate on so many levels.
many levels.

and yes, L is pulling on K’s hair in the photo.
it’s one of his new favorite pastimes.
i say,
good for him.
it’s about time he start defending himself against her.
now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
1 Peter 2:3
361. rainy day naps
362. a breakthrough with disciplining our children
363. studying 1 Peter
364. L’s sweet slobbery kisses
365. bon iver

lollipops for my girl.

it’s {embrace} the camera day!

K and i are

soaking up our time together while D is at preschool.
for some reason, i am a total pushover for my one and only girl.
she is basically getting away with just about everything she tries with me
when the boys are not around.
lollipop before lunch?
and for no good reason?
you bet!
yep, she’s hard to resist.
356. God’s protection over D when he hit his head in the bathroom
357. my new haircut
(warning: it will never look this good until i get it re-cut)
358. B’s night out with the guys
359. sleep, sleep and more sleep!
360. my sweet girl

waiting and waiting.

i know that girls are supposed to take longer in the bathroom.
it’s just something we are wired to do.
but, after waiting for an unnecessarily long time for K to come out,
i realized that she was mesmerized by her own reflection in the mirror.

she is pretty entertaining.
i do have to give her that.

i mean, that hair alone is enough to distract anybody.

my solution?
open the medicine cabinet
so all she can look at while washing her hands is shaving cream and toothbrushes.
problem solved.
351. L’s new ability to high five
352. the much cooler day
353. dinner out thanks to my dad and Uncle S
354. feeling like a new woman (more on that later)
355. clean rain gutters

and it was hot.

besides being really hot today,
we were really hot.
i think it was 106 today.
and that’s not how many faces and behinds i wiped
(although some days it does feel like that many).
so yeah, it was warm.
i should have had homemade popsicles at the ready,
but i didn’t.
i did offer ice cold water though.
lame, i know.
here is our thermostat
inside the house
this afternoon.
yeah, we don’t have a.c.
(as if it wasn’t obvious to you).
D has been making up a lot of signs lately.
this means “be quiet.”
the children were without shirts for the latter part of the day
and K was without a shirt, shorts and panties
for the latter, latter part of the day
while she was outside.
but she did keep her sandals on,
so i did have a minor victory.
it’s been exciting!
okay, well it hasn’t been
but it has been real.
346. fresh lemons
347. fresh grapefruit
348. the sweet baby who fell asleep in the ergo today at target
349. arriving at preschool way early for pickup (a first for me)
350. eating outside in the cooler (than the house) air

the ankles above the preppy shoes.

it’s been going well not nursing L.
and i mean really, really well.
the first few nights we had a couple of wake-ups
but last night, he slept the best he’s ever slept.
i know, amazing, right?

he’s been spending a lot more time in his high chair lately.
but his fluid consumption

(that i was so concerned about)
has gone through the roof.
i know now what moms mean when they say
that their sons eat them out of house and home.
D’s always been especially picky, but L?
not so much.

and look at those chubby ankles.
when L first started to chunk up

i actually called our pediatrician
to ask her if the line in between
the ankles and the legs was normal or not.
and, i took him to a dear friend who is a nurse practitioner.
they both said:
one less thing to worry about for him.
i just want to munch on them.
the ankles that is.
and aren’t those just about the most darling and preppy shoes you have ever seen?
they’re D’s old ones and i somehow almost love them more the second time around.
since B won’t
wear docksiders
i have given myself the green light to dress my sons feet
in the preppiest of shoes i can find.
and today, i got to sleep in until 8:17am.
and the best part about that was that i did not
to sleep in (since L had such a good night)
but that i got to sleep in to actually sleep in.
just because.
B is the best.
the best, i tell you.
341. prying a new golf hat off D’s sleeping head
342. the hot, hot day
343. popcorn for dinner
344. spending some much needed time with K
345. leaving the mall with only purchasing a pretzel and lemonade

the end.

tonight was the beginning.
the beginning of something wonderful.
i have been
s l o w l y
weaning L from nursing.
he has never been a good sleeper,
but his sleep has somehow gotten worse over the last couple of weeks.
i had no idea that was possible.
no idea.
i think that maybe because i haven’t
been nursing him during the day,
he’s been holding out for the real stuff at night.
so i knew i needed to curtail the nursing all together soon.
but i wasn’t sure when to do it.
and then last night, when he bit down
(remember #333 from yesterday?)
and pulled,
i knew i was done.
i knew we were done.
so, there were no tearful goodbyes
(by me).
no enjoying the moment one last time
(by me).
we were just done.
i explained the plan to him while he was in his high chair tonight.
i think
would be the most appropriate word i should use to describe his reaction.
but then as he started to guzzle his warm milk,
he too started to warm up to the idea.
(he did drink more milk in that one sitting
than he normally does on a daily basis.)
so maybe he does understand.
and then i realized that he’s been playing me.
but that’s okay because he is just so darn cute,
isn’t he?
we’ll see how it goes tonight.
i’ll be sure to let you know.
i know you’ll be thinking about me all night long.
as you sleep soundly in your warm, comfortable bed.
so since B put him to bed,
do you want to know what i did with all of that extra time?
i cleaned the high chair.
i mean really cleaned it.
336. not wearing the hair rubber band around the wrist
of the side i needed to have him nurse on next
337. my body back (well, not how it used to be… but you get the idea)
338. L’s little curls
339. a really clean high chair
340. D + K asking me if the acorn squash i served at dinner
was dessert since i put brown sugar + cinnamon on it.
it doesn’t mean they liked it, but they did consider it a possible dessert.

we had a popnic.

it’s {embrace} the camera day!
woot woot!

my freshly pedicured toes,
L’s sweet eleven
and of course,
K’s beloved babydoll’s piggies.
today, the kids and i had a popnic outside.
oh, you’ve never had one of those before?
you’re really missing out.
they’re great.
you eat popcorn,
on a picnic blanket,
preferably in your front yard.
instant activity.
i was, of course, inspired by Darby’s post today.
but who couldn’t be inspired by such a God-fearing woman?
Charm is deceptive,
and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

331. popnics
332. bicnics (more on this soon)
333. L’s fifth tooth coming in
334. having my nails + toes done.
ooh lala!
335. homemade tomato soup
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