Author name: hill

let’s try this again.

i hope you had a simply marvelous 
valentine’s day.

i was really hot last night.
like, feverish.
i even headed to bed at 7:15pm.
i am feeling better but 
K caught the cold, 
then L 
and now D has it. 
so glad we’re getting it all over with now 
instead of stretching it out for a few weeks. 
B was up with all of the kids all last night.
what a hero.

for valentine’s day, i totally fell in love with this idea

so D and i got inspired to make some bookmarks for his friends at school.

this is K’s interpretation of color blocking.
but like i always say, 
there aren’t any rules in art.
(is this even true?)

our masterpieces 

and more of our masterpieces 

and i know that book paper is really popular now.
but what about paper from the first draft of B’s new novel?
totally counts, right?
i especially like the red correction pen on a few of the pieces.
i feel it gives it a valentine’s feel.

and our home looks quite festive
thanks to Auntie B
who made this
for us to hang.

isn’t it simply adorable?

just vellum and staples, people.

i think i am going to leave it up all year round.

and this was my memory verse for the beginning of this month.

and this is my verse for the end of this month.
(provided to me by the always inspirational katherine wolf, at preschool drop-off.)

around our house, 
we are seeing hearts,


hearts everywhere.
i hope you are, too.

761. not having the flu
762. a husband who let me sleep without the baby monitors for the night
763. new great smelling shampoo and conditioner
764. finding the item in the fridge that was stinking up the house every time the door was opened
765. feeling the warmth of the sunshine beat down on me

my funny valentines.

they’re a good bunch.
that’s for sure.

even if it is nearly impossible to get them 
at the camera
at the same time.
but that’s okay. 
they’re still pretty darn irresistible.
well, except when L is up from 1 to 3am.
he is pretty resistible at that time.

i am unfortunately sick with a cold
do you think that has something to do with L being up in the night? 
but i have so many fun things to post tomorrow 
(hopefully, tomorrow)
when i am feeling all shiny and new. 

and of course, my B is irresistible.
i do not know how i was so 
blessed with such an incredible man.
incredible, i tell you. 

Greater love has no one than this, 
that He lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

756. the little white flowers being blown from its tree
757. quiet, quiet moments to rest
758. how happy little L is 
(well, except from 1 to 3am)
759. B handling dinner so i don’t have to cook.
760. the always life altering reminder of Christ’s love

ten on ten. february.

here’s my ten on ten!

all loaded up on our way to CBS for the morning.

all bundled up in the car 
in the chilly 51 degree weather.

waiting for B to come home for lunch.

playing in the front yard.

a little spider web.
don’t you just love the bright blue
from the recycling bin in the background?
i do.

a special, special treat for lunch.
B had to drive far to pick this up.

working on some valentine bookmarks for
D’s preschool class.

feeding little L lunch.

look at those eyes and that wild, wild hair.

a new prescription for the little guy.
(more on this soon.)

ten on ten button

751. my anxiety slowly decreasing
752. the hope we have not in the world but in Christ
753. chick-fil-a
754. many, many new things L is doing all of a sudden
755. choco hoto pots 
(i’m sure this has been on here before)


this shot was taken while we were “playing.”
of course, i couldn’t just play, so i decided to set up the camera.
i have such a hard time not multi-tasking!

and i am so glad that many of you 
have the same feeling 
as i do 
about playing with our children.

746. a nap
747. the Lord waking B and me up
748. reading (non-children’s) books
749. my humongous cup of coffee each and every morning
750. the excitement brought to my home 
each and every week simply because it’s trash day

picture me {im}perfectly.

i have something i must share.

i have a very hard time playing with my children.

give us an activity to do?
you’ve got it.
something to accomplish?
a puzzle?
you bet.
an art project?
sounds like fun!
a game?
no problemo.

but to just sit and play?
i’d rather not, thank you very much.

sometimes i feel like i’m being held hostage, like this guy.

i can sit and kind of play with them
while really cleaning up a little here and there
or working on my never ending to-do list
or whatever.
i can do all of that really well.

but being here
and doing nothing
is such a struggle for me.
i sit and watch B play,
just play with the kids
and i don’t know how he does it.
but i do know that i would like to play,
just play with the kids.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

741. valentine colors of red and pink all over our house
742. going out to dinner
743. opting not to run errands and instead playing in the front yard
744. using the 9 hour delay on my washing machine last night
745. watching the kids get muddy and not really caring 
(that much)


our little guy has been working hard
(as usual).

he gets really motivated when he is encouraged.
(just like his momma.)

good thing there’s K.

she is always telling him 
“good job!”
even when he’s just hanging out.

and we had to officially say goodbye to these darling little shoes.
his (toes and) feet just would not fit in them any longer.
but the good news is that a new pair should be arriving tomorrow!
and no, i didn’t buy him the exact same shoes in a bigger size.
(i’m not that boring.) 
the new ones are high tops.
and yes, they are black.


736. the perfect pandora station
737. the fact that L will only let B put him to bed. 
fine by me!
738. many, many yummy dessert options
739. wisdom for more seasoned moms
740. being in a good spot

twirl, ballerina twirl.

little K has started taking ballet.
i could not be more thrilled.

(here she is, third from the right)
i was a ballerina throughout most of my childhood,
so i am as happy as can be that she has taken a liking to it, too.

and i love
(absolutely love)
practicing our moves around the house. 

And the peace of God, 
which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

731. another amazing day at church
732. lovely ladies who take such good care of my children while i am worshiping
733. going to bed early
734. getting out of making dinner
735. Peace from God

that belly.

before showering her with baby goodness, 
my sister met us at the beach 
so that we could take some belly photos.

the evening could not have been warmer. 

the shadows could not have been lovelier.

the baby on my back could not have been adaptable.

her eyes could not have looked more like her father’s.

the biggest boy could not have been more joyful.

my baby could not have been happier to meet her baby (to be).

her bump could not have been more beautiful.

her glow could not have been more apparent.

the anticipation could not have been more present.

the journey could not be more underway.

Mrs. H could not have been more helpful
(even carrying around my baby after meeting only fifteen seconds earlier).

i could not have been more excited for her 
(well, except for when this baby arrives!).

K could not have wanted her own baby bump more. 

the bigs could not have brought home more sand.

the sunset could not have been sweeter.

the silhouette could not tell the story more perfectly.

726. fresh blueberries
727. a girls night out
728. loud, loud music in the car
729. a husband who is more than happy to watch the kiddos
730. a brightly colored scarf from Israel
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