Author name: hill


we found the most amazing thing.

so we got all geared up with our “cowberry” boots

and green horn 
to scope it out.

as you can see,
it was incredible.

we learned the importance of growing our roots down deep.

They will be like a tree planted by the water
   that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
   its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
   and never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:8

and we all got to touch the tip top of the tree.

it’s always a good idea to have your helmet 
around your neck whenever climbing trees. 
just so you know.

the angle of the branches and the trunk 
were mind boggling. 

the joy was infectious.

and the beauty

was awe-inspiring

and simply incredible.

we got to experience 
all of this while safely climbing a tree. 
(one of my most favorite shots from the day.)
even though it’s been chopped down
 and shredded to pieces by now.


891. the orange wildflowers scattered about
892. the little white flowers peeking out from the brown paper bag
893. being alone
894. scheduled time to read
895. naps

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she rested here.

this little butterfly 
(or was it just a cute moth) 
flew into our backyard for a visit. 

she stayed for a few days.
where she didn’t even move 
from the perfect little spot she found, 
which was right next to 
the lovely little green plant sprouting up.

she had a teeny tiny orange fleck on the edge of her wing
which helped us spot her little body
trying to disguise itself amongst the ground.

she stopped and 
she rested and 
i don’t doubt that she left refreshed.

remember when i humbly asked for your prayers?
well, i thought it was about time to give you a little update.
-L’s anti-seizure meds are working!
-we have not had to increase the dosage!
-L has not experienced any side effects!
-L’s sleep got much, much better, 
right after i asked you to pray.
and it was awesome for a couple of weeks. 
really, really awesome.

but now, it’s back to being bad. 
like he’s up for hours in the middle of the night. 
each and every night.
he’s not upset. 
but he’s unsettled. 
which makes us unsettled. 
and tired. 
very, very tired. 

so, will you pray?
will you pray that Jesus will pour 
His perfect peace upon our little man’s heart and mind?
thank you.
thank you.
thank you.
we know that there is power in prayer.
we have experienced it.
many, many times over.
And the peace of God, 
which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

886. new music
887. L’s refusal to sign “all done”
888. L’s new desire to say “alllllllllllllllll done”
889. seeing Grammy, even if it was for a few minutes
890. the impending weekend

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popcorn + lemonade.

as i mentioned yesterday
this past weekend 
we headed to a local park 
as a family.
we brought popcorn and lemonade,
went down and up the slides,
ran on cement and through sand 
and rode bikes.
and yes, we successfully wore our children out.
isn’t an early bedtime for the kids just about the best thing in the world?
i think so.

don’t they look like they’re having a ball?

i assure you, we were.


the moon was out and the weather was simply perfect.

L did some working out with B

and hammed it up for the camera
(as usual).

The LORD your God is with you,
   the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
   in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
   but will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

881. L’s spontaneous hugs
882. the combination of popcorn and lemonade
(almost as good as popcorn and oj)
883. a simple and easy doctor’s appointment for L
884. finding K’s lost hat
885. getting geared up for some major spring cleaning

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picture me {im}perfectly.kicking + screaming

this past weekend, i was one of those parents.
yep, you know the ones. 

the one whom everyone is looking at.

the one that is happily walking 
as if they don’t have a care in the world.

the one that is pretending as though 
they don’t have a certain small person 
kicking and screaming 
while carrying them away from 
whatever it was that they wanted to do.

the kind of person that looks as though 
they have somehow been able to ignore 
the excessive amount of noise coming from said small person.

now just so you know, i don’t always respond this nonchalantly. 
no, quite often i respond similarly to my little people. 

and my sixth verse for SSMT is:
And whatever you do, 
whether in word or deed, 
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

876. a lovely day at a park
877. thinking i was going to be late but then ending up being right on time
(this never, ever happens… i am usually late)
878. my parents who take the bigs on fun adventures while i’m at therapy with L
879. dinner out
880. fun and fabulous future plans
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while the kiddos rested/napped,
i ventured outside to our backyard.
i never do this by myself.
never, ever.
but i assure you, 
it will be done again.
again and again and again.

and what would be some lovely alone time
without my trusty dr. pepper and lime?
the perfect companions.
(well, of course, except for B.)
and don’t be thrown by the yellow of our limes. 
our limes turn yellow when they’re ripe. 
weird, right?
so weird but so good.

there was the perfect amount 
of the slightest breeze,

and the hydrangea that i nearly killed?

yeah, B brought that back to life,
and it was soaking up the sunshine as well.

isn’t the color of the benches to our 
picnic table 
simply lovely?
yes, yes they are.
that color red makes my heart go a pitter-patter.

escaping to our backyard was just what i needed. 
nobody talked to me or touched me for a few hours.
and when i was ready to come back to the real world, 
i was in a much better place.

I will see you again and you will rejoice, 
and no one will take away your joy
John 16:22b

871. coldplay’s secret album
(thanks Aunt CC!)
872. sneaking pumpkin into our dinner and B didn’t even suspect it
873. knowing what we need to do and having B there to back me up
874. that perfect shade of red
875. clipped nails (for everyone in our house)

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the sun has been shining.
really shining.
and boy, does it feel good.

even the air smells good.
so very good.

this is the first time in nearly two years
that i have felt rested. 
truly rested. 

the kids and i have been outside as much as possible as of late.
we’ve even ventured out for a wagon ride in the 8am hour.
yes, i said 8am.
that is simply unheard of around here.

(thanks for the photo, iphone!)

here, L was happily sitting in the wagon 
watching D and K do watercolors of our big tree.
it was glorious.
simply glorious.

i feel as though i have been awakened.
God is opening my eyes to the right now.
the right here.
and i am in awe of His blessings.
the blessings that i was blind to before.
the simple things that make life oh so full.
and i don’t want to go back to how i felt before.

I have come that they may have life, 
and have it to the full.
John 10:10b

and wow. 
i have been featured on 

head over there and check out other 
faith-filled, inspiring blogs. 


866. mister sun, sun, mister golden sun
867. faith blogs
868. the time change
869. hanging with my sis
870. being awakened by Him

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ten on ten.march

here’s my ten on ten for this month!

1. K and D’s artistic interpretations of our tree 
2. a last minute opportunity to finish my CBS lesson 
3. D helping toast a bagel 
4. a tree’s shadow 
5. fallen nuts 
6. the clouds 
7. aforementioned tree 
8. L sleeping on his tummy (a rare occurrence) 
9. making homemade lemonade 
10. L’s favorite thing to do in therapy: pop bubbles

861. a work night
862. homemade lemonade
863. a really clean dinner table
864. exhaustion from a fun night out with the hubs
865. being rescued

be sure to check out my weekly project, 
picture me {im}perfectly

ten on ten button

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watching grown men beat each other up.

B and i hardly have any photos together.
just the two of us. 
and the first one of these shots 
was at a horrible angle
and showed us sporting double chins.
so that leaves us with one less photo of the two of us. 

we got to go out on a very fun date.
it was daytime.
it was something that we have 
only experienced once before together.
it was free.
and since i was sporting neck-to-ankle hives, 
it was the perfect place to go
because i could stay bundled up.
(apparently i am allergic to penicillin.)

it was hockey.

it was definitely entertaining but i
could not get over 
the anger and violence between the players.
it was terrifying watching grown men beat each other up
while the crowd cheered them on 
and the refs just watched.

856. free popcorn
857. chick-fil-a
858. the way L talks to me
859. library books
860. D reading to me
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