Author name: hill

paint on the face.

we all had such a grand time at the museum.
it’s so rare that we go somewhere as a family of five
without an agenda.

in the kids’ area of the museum,
they had high chairs for the little painters 
and benches for the big painters. 

my favorite part 
was that the workers brought everything all set up to each table
and cleaned up everything once we were finished.
if only they would come to my house to do the same. 

L enjoys painting, but not as much as 
trying to put the paintbrush in his mouth.
that must mean that he is just really 
used to brushing his teeth, right?

quite possibly one of my absolute newest favorite photos.

p.s. rabbit, rabbit!

931. little old ladies who come to dinner
932. making something new for dinner 
and not having it be a complete disaster
933. the kids playing outside after dinner
934. not making one or two 
but three batches of zucchini muffins
935. a night with B

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picture me {im}perfectly.the hokey pokey

i have yet another thing to admit.

way too often, i focus on the big things.

i’ve been realizing that life is not about the big things. 
the big memories with our kids.
you know,
the birthday parties, 
the Christmases,
the Easter celebrations.

no, it’s about all of the little moments in-between
that really are remembered. 

all of those little mundane moments
that are squeezed and squished in-between
coming in and leaving the house
 and in-between brushing their teeth and
having them use the bathroom and 
getting the shoes on and off 
and on again and 
running here and 
running there. 

those simple everyday moments.
that’s what it’s all about.
that’s really what it’s all about.
(well, that and the hokey pokey.)

those real memories that frequent your mind 
are not from traditions or forced fun or plans.

those good memories are way beyond anything that can be planned.
because let’s be honest here, 
you can plan a fabulous party 
but you can’t plan a fabulous memory.
those just happen. 
out of nowhere. 
and they hit you on the side of your head and
jolt you awake.

like a few nights ago, 
when i hugged D goodnight 
after a particularly exhausting and draining day
where there was not one moment of peace.

and do you know what he said to me? 
of course you don’t, that’s why i’m about to tell you. 
he said, “mommy hugs are the best.”
i will always remember that.

i am so blessed 
and some days, 
if i don’t stop,
and i mean really, really stop 
in the moments in-between all the other stuff, 
i miss life. 
it blows right on past me.

so here’s to slowing down. 
to actually stopping.
to not focusing on just the really big things 
but all those little things in-between.
Mary treasured up all these things 
and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

and thanks to Jackie
who linked up last week.
be sure to check out her inspiring and honest post.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 
926. the pink and blue striped sunset
927. the hokey pokey
928. squeezing life into life
929. rainy days spent at the museum
930. getting nothing checked off the to do list

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twirling + whirling.

K has been taking ballet 
and she just had her 
very first ballet recital.

on the day of the performance, 
there was a lot of waiting.

she went off to practice with her class,
so the boys took full advantage of the empty basketball court.

after that, there was a tad bit more waiting.

and then it started!

(i felt like we were the bravermans.)

and then it ended!

it was wonderful.
all 3.5 minutes of it.
i’m serious.
her performance was one song.
for the entire class.

but, we did absolutely devour that one song.

and watching our little twirler was 
simply put, lovely.

moments like this hit me over and over again.
i have a little girl.
a little girl who loves to dance.

i think that someone wanted it to be about him for a whole second.

cake and lemonade followed.
but you know and i know 
that we don’t need an excuse 
to enjoy both of those things.

our plates were licked clean,

hugs were given to Uncle S

and a beautiful bouquet of 
hand-made flower 
colored pencils
were received.

i’m sure asking B if i can volunteer 
at the local rec center 
to teach ballet to little ones 
is out of the question.
am i right, hon?

maybe someday.

921. completing the massage class i took with L
922. the joy that taking photos gives me
923. watching Indy with B
924. ballet shoes
925. pink tutus

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K, listening to her rice krispies
snap, crackle and pop.
or, as D said 
crack, snapple and pop.

recently, K said
“you’re famous mommy.
yep, because you find things for people.”

well, thank you very much, little K.
so glad your vocabulary is right on track.
and by the way, where on earth 
did she hear about the term famous?
(used correctly or incorrectly.)

916. a walk with the family late in the afternoon
917. running into our neighbors
918. a dinner where not one person complained
919. a baby who falls asleep so peacefully
920. finishing projects

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lots of little things.

L’s sleep is improving.

which means that my sleep is improving.
thank you for asking.
and more importantly, 
thank you for praying.

and he’s progressing.
lots and lots of little things.
very little 
but very exciting little things.

and for all of these things,
we are grateful to God.

always giving thanks to God the Father for everything
Ephesians 5:20a

911. an extra dose of patience
912. finishing our study of daniel at CBS
(has been a tough one for me)
913. great new books to read
914. D’s newfound love for dust busting
915. K’s genuine desire to help me in the kitchen

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put a sock in it.

this little monkey
(no, not the green one)
has been quite curious lately.

while K and i were sported matching hair dos…
(how fun is that?
so very fun.)

he put a sock in it. 
our photo, that is.

906. the sun showing itself for the first time at 6:30pm
907. a new little baby in the family
(not us!)
908. hot tea with lemon
909. arriving at preschool super early 
instead of what i thought might be super late
910. being surrounded by awesome, awesome women

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picture me {im}

(quite often)
i find that my joy is 
dependent on how much i accomplish
instead of in the Lord.

and while on some days i do get ahead,
most days i am stuck in neutral 
or even worse, reverse.

but, i continually hear God’s whispers
that being neutral 
or going in reverse 
is absolutely okay.

because life is 
much, much more 
than getting things done.
because life’s actually not about that at all.

The LORD is my strength and my shield; 
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. 
My heart leaps for joy 
and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:7

and thanks to Kim 
who linked up last week!

check out her honest picture me {im}perfectly post here

picture me {im}perfectly

is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

901. His joy
902. not accomplishing anything
903. L discovering his little sweet voice
904. having and winning a debate with B
905. verses that cut the heart

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what about the parables.

we are reading a story a night 
from one of my 
while we are preparing our hearts for Jesus’ resurrection on Easter.

while reading, D asked
“now mom, is this story real? 
did it really happen?”

to which i replied,
“of course! we believe that 
everything the Bible says is true
and that everything in it really, truly happened.”

and then D asked “but what about the parables?”

man, there’s nothing quite like 
being humbled by your five year old.

Be completely humble and gentle; 
be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2

896. reading by the fire and my hubby
897. feeling God stirring my heart
898. humility
899. dr. pepper with lemon
900. planning a slower week
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