Author name: hill

nakie baby.

a sweet friend of mine from CBS
was getting her credentials in massage for kiddos.
and she was kind enough to bless us with her five week class. 

(i absolutely adore this shot)

you could say that now i am an expert.
well, L thinks so, at least.

he has been sleeping so much better with a bath 
followed by a massage.
i just think he is trying to be
as high maintenance and time consuming as possible. 
congratulations, L. 
you are succeeding.

so, we (i.e. i) are now starting our 
night-time routine promptly at 4:15pm.
yes, that is in 4:15 in the afternoon.
it’s wild.
but it works.
and we all know us moms will do anything that works. 

as you can see, 
my delicious baby just adores to be in his diap (or nakie)
and have some mommy and L time.

971. sweet oranges
972. pinterest
973. learning massage
974. stopping
975. L’s new butt scootching
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ten on ten.april

happy ten on ten!

1. orange peels + citrus juicer from breakfast
2. a single braid
3. purple beauties in our garden
4. bubbles trapped in glass jar
5. dirty sink
6. sneaking a kiss
7. happy boy + happy momma
8. gazing out the window 
9. getting outside 
10. my handsome

966. that the long afternoon is finally over
967. piano music
968. the masters music
969. seeing family, family + family
970. D’s budding interest in photography
ten on ten button
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his locks.

it looks like he’s got his big sister’s hair.

well actually, that’s not true.

hers wasn’t this curly until it was much, much longer.

961. curly locks
962. late-night chats
963. knowing i can never know it all
964. an almost nap
965. laughter that wakes me up in the wee hours of the morning

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that face.

and i have no idea where K got that face.
oh wait a second,
yes i do.

956. a very clean washing machine
957. the masters
958. getting tan
959. being home
960. fresh honeydew

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picture me {im}perfectly.the want

do you ever get sucked into
the mindset that if you just had
this or that
that life would be so much better?

whether it be for L to develop more quickly 
or for my life to become more efficient, 
i feel like i am always looking for the next thing.
the next system.
the next product.
the next solution.
the next answer.

when all i need to look at is Jesus. 
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, 
the author and perfecter of our faith, 
who for the joy set before him 
endured the cross, scorning its shame, 
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

p.s. you’re right, 
these photos had absolutely nothing to do with this post. 
they were from a disco party the bigs and i had.

and a special shout out to Ann 
who linked up last week.
and boy, can i relate to her post. 

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

951. a yummy dinner out
952. picnicking outside
953. conversations filled with hope
954. catching up with a friend during her dinner hour
955. sweet, sweet dreams

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beat the clock.

back in the good old days,
B and i used to watch letterman.
and “beat the clock” was my favorite game.

well nowadays,
i am really lucky
because i get to play beat the clock
each and every day!

why am i moving at
this breakneck pace
all the live long day?

to beat the clock.
that’s why.

but then i’d miss out on little moments like these.

946. not beating the clock
947. the patience of others while i 
scheduled and rescheduled
948. the truth told in this book
949. stories read to the kids 
in the middle of the day by B
950. drying something on our line out back
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tea time.

K and i got to go to a girls-only tea party this past weekend.
on the way there i told K that this was her very first real tea party.
she let me know that she doesn’t like tea.

it was hosted by lovely Mrs. H and her sweet little girl.
(K has recently named this doll-house-mommy,
Mrs. H because of her resemblance to the real one.)

we got all dolled up with our matching dresses.
(you know that i would not miss out on an opportunity to wear matching dresses.)

although, i hadn’t worn this dress since last Easter when i was still nursing L.
it didn’t quite fit as well as it did when some of my parts were bigger.
(dad, i’m sorry that was tmi.)

a sweet story was read,

and delicious tea, lemonade and goodies were eaten.

the tea party concluded with what always concludes tea time…
princess dress-up time.


941. girl time with my K
942. all the scrumptious goodies we consumed
943. strawberry scones
944. two hours to myself on saturday 
(i got my to do list in order!)
945. a taste of summertime

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a sweet little someone.

we had yet another playdate with our

L was absolutely enthralled by the cutest little girl in purple glasses.
but she wasn’t so certain that she liked being touched by him.
she even shared a stern “no!” with him a few times.
which of course i completely gobbled up
because her speech is incredible.
and, the kiddos share the same speech therapist,
who is so unbelievably awesome.
so, it makes me excited.
thrilled, to be honest.

936. sweet, sweet friends
937. our speech therapist
938. uber great parking spots
939. laundry that is folded and waiting to be put away
940. cookies galore

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