Author name: hill

easter celebrated.

well, now that i have a little more time this week,
(click here to see why)
i thought i’d do a quick blog about our easter.
we kept it really mellow and low-key this year.
we need some mellow and low-key every once in a while.
i even served cinnamon rolls from tj’s.
and you know what?
everybody devoured them.

the cousins joined us for the festivities,
which always makes it fun.

eggs were compared

and counted
and a fun day of celebrating ensued.

this is a dear friend of mine
who is one of the most Godly women i know.
i am so blessed to have her in my life.

1051. going swimming
1052. sleep (this can never get old)
1053. laundry being done
(and not just sort-of done)
1054. dinner prepped early in the day
1055. the same verse popping up all over

the piggy came home from the store.

well, the fever is hanging around 
and so is the piggy.
if you have no idea what i am talking about,
click here

but L doesn’t seem to mind one bit.

You will keep in perfect peace 
him whose mind is steadfast, 
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever, 
for the LORD, 
the LORD, 
is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3-4

1046. not having to wait months for a new surgery date
the surgery has been rescheduled for a couple weeks away
1047. the care that others have for my littles
1048. raspberry and blueberry lemonade popsicles
1049. a found sombrero
1050. a beautiful new journal that reminds me to 
live in hope

this little piggy is going bye-bye.

early tomorrow morning, 
L is having surgery.

he was born with a sixth toe on one foot 
and an extra toe bone on the other foot. 
so he will be getting both of those “extras” removed. 
his new feet will fit better in shoes 
and will aid in his learning how to walk.

(this photo was taken when L was two months old)

we feel so blessed by L’s wonderful surgeon, 
who assures us that this is something he does quite often
this is not always the case for L. 
much too often we hear the words, 
“hmmm, i have never seen this before. 
let me bring some residents in to see this…”

when L was born, we explained to both D and K 
that God made L special 
in that He gave him an extra toe. 
D thought that was so great that he decided 
that when he was born, he too had six toes. 

tomorrow should be a big day.
and not only because of the surgery.
tomorrow also holds significance in our hearts.
two years ago 
to the day
i was wheeled into the labor + delivery department
fully in labor with L
who had only been in my belly for 29 weeks. 

we remember how our fear and trembling 
was met with His perfect peace and blessings overflowing. 

From the fullness of his grace 
we have all received one blessing after another.
John 1:16 

i have been reminded that
i am not my own and
L is not mine
and neither are D K or B.
they are all gifts from our glorious God.

i must cling to Him and Him alone
and not to anyone else.
or anything else.

so, we humbly ask for your prayers.
prayers for the Lord’s will to be done.
and prayers that the small fever that he has been battling all weekend
will vanish and will not delay the surgery.

we got a little note from L’s extra toe. 
it reads:
going to market.
love, pig

1041. the smell of roses pouring through the open windows
1042. a clean closet
1043. meeting baby E on skype
1044. bright new dish towels
1045. feeling covered in prayer

be sure to check out my new header 
blogging will be light this week 
but i do hope to post some quick updates.

a royal party.

the bigs and i are looking forward to settling in for
a viewing of the royal wedding for
friday movie night 
(a new tradition for us).

B remembers his mom 
waking him up in the middle of the night 
when he was four years old 
to watch Princess Diana’s wedding.
i am grateful for tivo so that i do not have to do that.

and, it was absolutely perfect timing that B’s mom 
just returned from a trip to London
where she brought us back this lovely 
oven mitt.

now i just need to think of something 
delicious to cook. 

1036. the weight being lifted
1037. excitement and anticipation
1038. picturing what our summer will be like
1039. being able to enjoy the last dr.p
1040. picking up a tear-free L from the CBS nursery
(a first)

me and the hubs.

here we are,
all gussied up
and celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.

1031. backyard shindigs
1032. a break in the near, near future
1033. new ideas
1034. a very fast trip to the airport and back
1035. a leisurely bedtime routine for the munchkins

picture me {im}perfectly.tired

i’m tired.
well, i’m not actually tired at all. 
i’m completely exhausted.
you know, like when you feel so run-down 
that there seems to be a cloud over everything?
yeah, that kind of tired.

right now, i’m just really tired. 
tired of keeping it together.
the kids,
the house,
my emotions.
i know that i cannot do this. 
not on my own. 
but i keep trying.
and i keep failing. 

He is before all things, 
and in Him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:17

you must watch this video.

and be sure to check out
Wendy’s post from last week
as she reminds us that we are not perfect 
and that sometimes strangers can surprise us. 

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

1026. rest (to come?!)
1027. a change in the schedule
1028. His true Word
1029. eating outside
1030. encouragement from a friend


i am realizing more and more 
that life is not about being comfortable.
it’s not supposed to be comfortable. 
it’s a good thing too, 
because i am not comfortable.

there and
i am reminded that i am not comfortable. 
a quick trip to the grocery store, 
a birthday party,
sitting in our house, watching families walk by.

there and
i am reminded of where we are not. 
i am reminded of what is missing. 
i am reminded of what i am longing for.

in this world,
i am reminded 
and i am grateful
that i am not comfortable
because He and He alone is my comfort.

and with that mindset,
there and 
i should be seeing what i do have.
what He has given me.

and this incredible blog post so resonates with me. 
i too want to have that 
complete and utter dependence on God 

As a mother comforts her child, 
so will I comfort you.
Isaiah 66:13

1021. resurrection eggs
1022. this recipe (thanks, Auntie B!)
1023. teensie tiny babydoll diapers from etsy
1024. feeling uncomfortable in this world
1025. His comfort


my sister, Aunt WW, 
recently returned from a trip to Kenya.
we were so excited for her to go on that journey.
so excited.
and we were equally excited for her to return from her journey.
excited to have her teach us all about what she saw and experienced.

not only did she make us these delicious and adorable cookies,
she presented us with a slideshow of 350 of her favorite photos from the trip.
it was simply put: awesome.

1016. my baby sister had her baby!
1017. a beautiful Easter day
1018. the rain
1019. the rain that stopped
1020. life and not death


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