Author name: hill


D said that he would like to learn how to play checkers.
it was nearly bedtime and i couldn’t remember where
our checkers and board were.

in comes the ipad.
and yes, he is now addicted.

1091. the clanging sounds of 
children’s musical instruments
1092. borrowing my sister’s dresses
1093. a new dress from my sister
1094. a preview of what summer might be like
1095. morning quiet times

if there are any questions that you might have for me.
feel free to email me at
and if there are enough, i’d love to do a q+a post

picture me {im}perfectly.acts of the flesh

well, the sermon we heard this week 
knocked my socks off.
as it usually does.
generally, i leave church 
having my heart cut wide open 
and into 500 pieces. 
and i’m grateful, 
so very grateful for that. 
it’s how change comes.
real change deep down in my heart.

our pastor encouraged us to look at this list in Galatians 5
and see where we line up with it.
he said that if there is a 
“shred of similarity between my life and Galatians 5, then you are in trouble.”
and that we need to deal with these things right now.
not later, but right now. 

The acts of the flesh are obvious: 
sexual immorality, 
impurity and 
idolatry and 
fits of rage, 
selfish ambition, 
factions and 
and the like. 
I warn you, as I did before, 
that those who live like this 
will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21

even while writing this post, 
i toyed with the idea of pushing these thoughts back for another day.
dealing with them at a different time.
but then again and 
again and 
i felt that i needed to write this right now.
not for you, but for me.

our pastor told us to consider 
that when we do things our own way, 
we are actually fighting with the Holy Spirit.
fighting with God.
can you imagine?
well, i don’t know about you 
but i know that my heart was convicted. 

there are more than a couple sins on this list 
that i am currently struggling with.
that i was currently 
(until now)
not even really aware of.
because in my sinfulness, 
i had pushed them down, 
way down and justified my actions and my thoughts. 

just like K doesn’t want to be seen with her unbrushed hair,
i don’t want to make my sinfulness even noticable to myself. 
but i see it, now.
boy do i ever see it.

now, head on over to Lisa’s blog
where you will be reminded of all the little ways that 
each one of us is not perfect.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

For it is by grace you have been saved, 
through faith—and this not from yourselves, 
it is the gift of God— not by works, 
so that no one can boast. 
For we are God’s workmanship, 
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:8-10

1086. ticklish babies
1087. sweeping curls
1088. the morning sunlight
1089. babies being born
1090. preschool open house night

ten on ten.may

happy ten on ten!

1. shadow of my curly morning hair
2. saying bye to daddy this morning
3. near front door
4. pretty yellow flowers
5. record-breaking big morning hair
6. my boys under tree outside 
7. floral treasures in tin cans
8. sweet little leaf on hood of car
9. at school
10. blue paint on hands

1081. spot books read by a big sister
1082. the fussing stopping (even momentarily)
1083. L using his voice to get my attention
so he could sign to me
1084. the perfect lighting
1085. finding our shadows

ten on ten button

check back on wednesday morning for

summer, summer, summertime.

we are certainly feeling quite summery around here.
the weather has been warm.
very, very warm to be exact.

we’ve been enjoying
ice cream in the afternoon 
(well let’s be honest, 
i can enjoy ice cream anytime, anywhere).

but it also has me thinking about how i can make it an intentional summer.
intentional for me and
intentional for the kids.

i’ll be striving to find that delicate balance 
between no structure and yet having structure.
because if you know me 
(and i mean really know me) 
you know i need structure. 
i love it. 
i’m lost without it. 

be sure to check out these two posts
(i’ve linked to them before)

my kids have been absolutely loving 
listening to some fun kids stations on pandora.
but i’d rather that instead of memorizing silly lyrics to 
a yo gabba gabba or shirley temple song, 
that we all fill our minds with the Word of God.  
my absolute favorite is seeds family worship music
which are NIV Bible verses put to music.

i have a couple of ideas brewing in my head
for our summer plans
and know that i need to have them in place 
when the first day of summer welcomes us.

don’t these pictures just scream summer?
okay summer, i hear you loud and clear.

For the word of God is living and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword, 
it penetrates even to dividing 
soul and spirit, joints and marrow; 
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

so today, i’m linking up with
(and you should, too!)

be sure to check in later tonight 
for this month’s 
ten on ten button
(and you should, too!)

and then of course,
picture me imperfectly, tomorrow!
(and you should, too!)

1076. the bright red flowers dropping from our neighbor’s tree
1077. the teensy tiny yellow flowers found in our backyard
1078. special hand-painted objects from my children
1079. the continuous drip, drip, drip from our kitchen faucet that reminds me how wonderful it is not to have a drip, drip, drip sound all the time.
(getting fixed soon)
1080. feeling more and more comfortable with shooting in manual

the day for mothers.

well i don’t know about you,
but i had a lovely mother’s day.

on saturday, while i was out of the house
(spending time with the one and only
B had the kids make me a beautiful “happy mother’s day” banner.
apparently, K colored every single letter
and D took care of the exclamation point.
that was nice of him.

and yesterday, we spent the day at my parents’ condo
(we switch off moms every-other year since 
we are so blessed to have all of our family live so close).

my sis, Aunt WW and 
my brother, Uncle S and 
of course, my mom’s dog, Bella 
joined in on this photo.

we were just missing my other sister, Aunt CC
but she was busy enjoying her very first mother’s day not here
(since she JUST had baby E, two weeks ago).

a lot of delicious food was eaten,

the boys played a game of scrabble,

in which L was a big help,

my sis and i talked 
blog talk, 
design talk, 
career talk, 
life talk.
you know, the usual.

i sported the most beautiful necklace that D made in preschool.
i absolutely
adore it.

L got plenty of attention,
don’t you think?

the kids 
melted down.
it was perfect.
well, not the melting down part.
but in those moments, 
i try to remind myself that 
they are melting because 
they just can’t possibly 
squeeze one more ounce of fun into their day.
and so they must melt.

and, i got a photo of my little family. 
that’s all i really wanted yesterday,
but i ended up getting a lot, lot more.

My son, keep your father’s commands 
   and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
Bind them upon your heart forever;
   fasten them around your neck.
When you walk, they will guide you;
   when you sleep, they will watch over you;
   when you awake, they will speak to you.
Proverbs 6:20-22

1071. the man who made me a mother
1072. the reminder (everywhere) to be grateful
1073. sermons that leave me saying, “wow.”
again and again and again.
1074. family photos
1075. a busy but calm and lovely, lovely weekend

packing it all in.

not too long ago,
i took the kids to visit family
we generally try to see nearly everyone in one fell swoop.
it turns out to be an intense day,
but oh so worth it.

especially the drive back home
where all of my littles are sound asleep
and i don’t have to be touched or talked to 
and can enjoy non-children’s music.

doesn’t my grandmother look amazing?
i won’t tell you her age
(because that would be rude)
but she’s older than 89 and younger than 91.
amazing, i tell you.

and when we go and visit we always get in some good
Uncle S time.

my sweet boy.

Great Grammy would have 
liked to hold L longer 
but his 27 pounds 
can exhaust the best of us pretty quickly.

my parents graciously hosted us on the open seas.
or the bay.
but whatever.

and it is only a matter of time 
before this little one goes overboard.
i promise you.

we can all thank D for this shot.
the sea lions sleep anywhere they can get to.

and D took this shot, too.
after one shot he proudly announced,
“mom! i almost got your eyes.”
but how about that.
my eyes did in fact make it.

That Guy is surviving cancer.

my parents took us to a petting zoo
where the kids got to ride on a train.

and at my parents’ everyone wears crocs. 

L even has his own pair.

1066. buckled children and long phone conversations
1067. shopping at target by myself
1068. how easily L goes to sleep
1069. nearing 3 months without a seizure
1070. a really clean sink

it’s embrace the camera day!

happy cinco de mayo!

this all started when B and i were dating.
i went on a family trip to mexico 
where i bought a huge sombrero to bring back to B.
everyone needs one of those, right?

we recently found said sombrero.
then i had this idea to take a picture of
everybody wearing it.
but then B does what he always does.
he comes up with a better idea.
so this is what he came up with.

aren’t we horribly scary?
yes, yes we are.
and L is sporting a milk mustache. 
he’s too happy to make a scary face.

but not B. 
he loves to make scary faces.
and this face is bordering on his joker from batman face.
and that face has been outlawed from our house 
because it freaks me out too much. 
but i’ll let this face slide.
just this once though, honey.
just this once.

1061. free apps
1062. teaching my kids new games
1063. D reading me stories during rest time
1064. somehow, that to-do list getting smaller
1065. the lego club magazine (free!)

picture me {im}perfectly.always late

i think i can do it all.
and i think i can do it all quickly.
hence, i am late.
by like 5 minutes.

for instance, i think that i can 
clean up and
change L 
ten minutes before 
we need to leave to pick up D from preschool.
when in actuality, it takes a lot longer than that.

actually, it takes me a lot longer to 
do everything than i think it will.
and that’s not just because i have three little ones
who love to stop me from accomplishing anything.

do any of you struggle with this?
because you know and i know 
that i cannot do it all.
and certainly not quickly.

(and yes, D’s chops will be taken care of this week)

head on over to 
and be encouraged as she shares 
some things that i think we all struggle with.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

1056. orange poppies by the side of the road
1057. bright pink flowers around a tree trunk
1058. counting blessings
1059. morning walks with my baby + K and her baby
1060. taking things slowly

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