Author name: hill

last weekend.part three

three parts.
i know.
(click here for part one 
and here for part two.)

K called this little nook her office.
she pushed two open doors together and 
created an echo chamber.

and this is another one of the cousins.
i think she thought he was her real-life baby doll.

after a big dinner with the family,
the music started and there was dancing.
lots and lots of dancing.

K with her babydoll.

you know you’re old 
when music is played,
all the kids know all the words
and you have never ever heard of the song.
i’m oh-so very old.

and you also know it’s a wild party
when the sombreros are brought out to the dance floor.
wild i tell you.

I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
   With him at my right hand, 
I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8

1341. Auntie B really back in town
1342. a picnic at the movies
1343. homemade playdough
1344. an afternoon walk
1345. uninterrupted time with my L

ten on ten.august

oh how i love ten on ten days.

1-new project i’m working on
2-morning playtime with daddy
3-down to hall at L’s school
4-super special treat for the bigs
5-shiny trash can
6-never ending laundry
7-a favorite therapist
8-strengthening those arms
9-D’s alphabet creation
10-bathroom mirror

‘The glory of this present house 
will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ 
says the LORD Almighty. 
‘And in this place I will grant peace,’
 declares the LORD Almighty.”
Haggai 2:9

1396. a husband who insists that i must go out
all by myself and pick up yogurtland
1397. L’s endless sharing
1398. L’s newfound voice
1399. my panda bear lover
1340. a friend’s wisdom

ten on ten button

picture me {im}perfectly.monsters

my children are monsters.
it’s that plain and simple.
they are monsters when they 
see or 
taste sugar. 

do you want to guess 
how many hershey kisses K ate?
one hershey kiss.

D’s face is a little cleaner
but see that wild look in his eyes?
he’s morphing into a monster. 

birthday parties become a real struggle for us
because if my littles haven’t eaten anything substantial 
before the sugar consumption, 
their monster side comes out.
and let me tell you, it isn’t pretty.

i know that not all children are this way but mine are.
oh boy, how mine are.

head on over and check out sam’s blog.
i related to her truth so very much. 

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

and this got me all riled up. 
i hope it gets you riled up, too.

1391. babies who snuggle with their owl buddy at night
1392. not one but two visits to tj’s in one day
1393. a little L who loves to share
1394. a great new dish
1395. a clean table

last weekend.part two

here’s part two of our family reunion.
(click here for part one)
saturday morning stated out with 
donuts and coffee at my great aunt’s house
and then a boat ride around the city. 

i watched as L was 
passed and 
passed and 
passed again down the row.
my cousin R and his wife B stole L’s heart.
i can’t wait for them to have babies 
(hint, hint…). 
and no, your mother did not ask me to write that.
but i know she’s happy i did.
and i know you haven’t even 
been married for a year but whatever.

a really close-up of cousin R
he has nice teeth, doesn’t he?
(photo taken by D).

Aunt WW on the front of the boat with K

and B with my D.

i was there, too!
(photo taken by D). 

K watching

the sea lions.

and this little man is a brave, brave boy.
little C has hit the two year mark 
from having a liver transplant due to liver cancer.
none of us can begin to imagine what he has experienced.
and we are all so very grateful that he is here with us today!
and so very grateful for a sweet little one who is no longer with us 
whose parents opted to donate that child’s liver. 

Aunt WW and B, 
enjoying the sunshine.

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, 
then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, 
whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, 
or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. 
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15

1386. vbs for the bigs
1387. my sister‘s new direction in life
1388. a very quiet house
1389. a really good napper in said very quiet house
1390. being home

last weekend.part one

last weekend,
we had a family reunion.

it was a weekend-long event
that had not occurred in thirty years. 
we kicked it off with
supper on the sand.
how cute is that?
my great aunt and my Grammy 
planned the entire thing.

Papa, L and That Guy.

we had some happy campers on our hands.

a burger truck catered the meal

and the bigs made sure to get
as much sand on them as humanly possible.

it was lovely.

and a sweet little someone loved
swinging as the sun was getting 
lower and 
lower and 

and she still loved swinging 
when the sun was no longer. 

part two coming tomorrow…

1381. swinging on the sand
1382. not having to cook dinner
1383. being out past dark with the bigs
1384. a jam-packed weekend
1385. hot tubbing

really just for my dad.

these photos are really for my dad.
hi dad!
how do you like them?

(awesome shot taken by D)

my dad has a blog that he just started.
i know.
incredible, right?
it is incredible.
it’s called:
(and so will you).

also, my mother-in-law recently 
wrote an article for a local newspaper.
check it out here.
she is about to change the way kids are educated in the united states.
she really is.
just you wait and see.
and here’s her blog!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, 
who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17

1376. a great day at the fair
1377. an extra set of hands
1378. fair food
1379. a brave little boy (D)
1380. B’s idea to listen to 
a sermon on the way home

just another afternoon.

just another afternoon around our house.
rowdy kids,
a momma who’s counting down the hours
until the hubs comes home and
a sweet little boy being entertained by it all. 

(photo taken by D)

(photo taken by K)

notice those fabulously cleaned and 
organized shelves in the background?
that’s thanks to Auntie L.

A wise son brings joy to his father
Proverbs 15:20

1371. a table set by children
1372. that L smiles at me before we even make eye contact
1373. homemade whipped cream
made by the children
1374. the perfect wedding gift
1375. this thanks, gretch!

picture me {im}perfectly.not mary poppins

i try to be like her.
you know, 
every kids’ dream.
every mom’s dream. 

mary poppins.

but you know what? 
i stink at being her. 
and lately, i’ve just been too worn out 
to even try to be her.

we did finally make homemade crayons last week
like i promised we would.
months ago.

the truth is, i have all of these ideas.
grand ideas, really.
but i rarely (why, oh why is it always so rare?) do them.
we’re still a bit in survival mode here.
but i wonder if maybe we are stuck here,
in survival mode.
we might be. 
we might very well be stuck here. 
in survival mode.
i think i might need to change my mindset then. 

i am again blown away 
by all the fabulous women 
who linked up last week.
hooray for showing the internet 
that we aren’t perfect 
and we don’t strive for perfection, either.
that living life is much more worthy 
than creating a perfect life. 

kaylee’s post and her blunt honesty 
rang so true for me.
picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:
you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one.
Romans 3:10

1366. free lollypops for the kids
1367. the sunshine pouring in our windows
1368. L sleeping 13 hours
1369. getting to sleep in
1370. tj’s coffee

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