Author name: hill

the concert.

every single summer,
we head to a local museum
for an outdoor kids concert.

and every year, it’s even more incredible.

this year, we had some dear friends join us

along with a bunch of family
and it rocked.

as usual.

L got to hang with one of his besties from school

and the girls got to dance with their dads.

sweet L loved the tunes,

and these little girls loved 

dancing and

to the great band.

my sweet nurse friend
brought her hubby and sweet baby girl.

isn’t she so adorable?
yes, yes she is.

there were lots and lots

of laughs,

and even though this guy 
was a little too cool to dance,
he enjoyed the music.

my sis and her B joined us,

and i was as thrilled as can be 
to have my B join us.

and sweet H had a thing for my D.

and this little girl,
she stole my heart ages ago.
and i can’t believe how grown up she is getting.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up
according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29

1461. pizza delivered
1462. a silent car ride home
1463. spending so much time with baby E
1464. getting to see baby E again
1465. a whole new week ahead

we could be sisters.

this week is kicking my butt.
in a major way.

we’re figuring things out though.
like how to be even more efficient.
and cutting more stuff out.
it’s still wild and crazy for nearly every second of the day.

here’s a photo from a fabulous outdoor concert we went to last month.
more photos to come soon.
(i know that i have been saying that
a lot lately but i know you all understand.)

this is the lovely S 
(with a Y).
only two of you will understand that.
she was one of the incredible nurses 
that took care of me 
when B and i lived in the hospital 
for six weeks. 
i think we’re going to be life-long friends
and don’t you totally think we could be sisters?

1456. 800 photos of someone special
(coming soon)
1457. an entire dinner made by B
1458. going shopping with my little girl
1459. being surrounded by joy
1460. giving myself a break

picture me {im} on the wall

i recently found these beauties 
on pinterest.

they are incredible.
truly, truly.
the ideal situation is to have the kids 
work on them while you make dinner.
and let me tell you, it works.
oh, how well it works.

there was one tiny problem with them though.
i think it confused our K. 
because she was told that she could 
draw all over this new placemat 
and the marker would easily wipe away, 
i think she thought that would work for all locations.

including the glossy, white walls surrounding her bed. 
she went wild during “rest time.”
once i found the “artwork,” 
i took this photo and texted it to B.
he immediately came home with magic erasers in hand.
that did the trick.

(fyi – i have found that wet erase markers 
seem to do much, much better 
on laminated surfaces than dry erase markers.)

please, please head on over to 
by the lovely marisa.
she helps us all remember what 
this blogging thing is all about. 

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

The LORD is good, 
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him

Nahum 1:7

1451. sand in little shoes
1452. L feeding the dinosaur
1453. surviving three different schools
1454. great first days
1455. 90 minutes to myself.

ten on ten.september

the hubs and i just returned from 
a little getaway in the great state of texas.
we went to austin 
(my first time)
for a beautiful wedding.
much, much more on all of that soon.

but first, here’s my ten on ten 
(a tad late)

1-a very, very early start to the trip
2-airport waiting
3-buckled in
5-the W
6-a quick lunch
7-being pampered 
(check out that wall of polish)
8-everywhere you look 
you are reminded of 
the state that you are in
9-our fabulous view
10-two of me

1446. being in a great state
1447. uninterrupted conversation.
for days
1448. smooth and easy travels
1449. texmex
1450. bbq

ten on ten button

that day.

do you remember that day at the beach?
well, here are the rest of the photos (finally).

my happy little man.
who is nearly always happy.
except when he’s not.

it was sensational
on that day.

like nothing we’ve ever experienced before.

windbreakers and the ocean?
you bet!

the guys doing manly things.

the girlies.

my girlie.


the sweetest little boy in town 
with one of the best aunties.

how incredible is that orange boogie board.
so incredible.

the little athlete of the family.

trudging through some water. 

they are always happy to get in the water.
which they never get to do 
when i am the only with them at the beach.
we do a lot of looking at the water on those days.

the birds 
(photo thanks for B)

the sun got lower and the day drew darker.

our little hermit crab.

Cast your cares on the LORD 
and he will sustain you
Psalm 55:22

1441. two sweet little girls
1442. a great teacher for my little D
1443. limes
1444. dinner already made
1445. catching my breath

really quiet.

B has been working really hard
on some sweet little gifts for the bigs
(more on that soon).

so as we headed out the door 
bright and early yesterday morning,
these little gifts were waiting on the front porch
for D and K.

orange for D
(of course)

and pink for K.
(of course)

my sweet little D started kindy yesterday.

i can’t believe that my first-born is already school-age.

i cried like a big baby after his teacher
took the kids to their classroom.

but i’m okay now.
i think.

it was really, really quiet with
only two kids at home.
really quiet.

and he loved every moment of his day
(of course).

1436. the moon, out early to greet us
1437. new friends in the neighborhood
1438. a breeze
1439. ice cubes
1440. confusion being ironed out at the pharmacy

picture me {im}perfectly.what is to come

the stress level has hit a new high around here. 
mostly in anticipation of what’s to come. 

we are about to embark on a 
(hopefully) fun and 
unchartered journey.

three schools for three kids. 
every moment accounted for. 

i even just emailed L’s speech therapist 

to see if she had any 6:30am 
(yes, in the morning) 
slots open.
i’m just trying to cram it all in.
all that needs to be done.

i have a constant struggle.
i really don’t want my life to become 
cancelling and 
going to therapy with L. 
on top of regular, 
real life as a wife and momma.

that cannot be my life. 
i am always trying to figure out
what the healthy balance is 
between giving my family what they need 
(without being a robot) 
and doing what I love.
i love so many things and 
photography is one of those things.
that i love.
so is this blog.

B thinks i will always struggle with doing too much. 
and he’s probably right. 

the struggle for me is figuring out 
what needs to be done and
what i want to do.

the problem is, i love being this person 
to every person. 
i love to give thoughtful gifts 
and plan nice parties and celebrations. 
i get a little high out of planning ahead
and it’s starting to take its toll on me. 

it’s time for a good old fashion re-prioritizing of life.
isn’t it nice that the fall naturally brings that? 
it is nice.

so all this to say, 
i will now be updating my blog more like 3-4 times a week, 
rather than 5x a week. 
i know.
this is major news.
not really,
but there are a few of you 
who will worry about me 
if i don’t update this little blog every day.
so for those couple of people, 
this announcement is for you. 

head over to mallory’s blog
and see how her life so relates 
to yours and mine.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

1431. a last beach day
1432. cooler temps to come
1433. a clean porch
1434. sweet yellow flowers in the sand
1435. D’s little collection from the beach 


well, it’s about that time we say 
farewell to summer.

(a dog, obviously)

you’ve been good to us.
so very good to us this year.

(i have no idea)

we have enjoyed some lovely sun-filled days 
at the beach
and the pool 
and you have provided many quiet moments 
among a surprisingly rigid and 
unrelenting summer schedule.

(again, no idea)

we will always look back at this summer 
and think about all of the lovely ways 
in which we enjoyed our time with you.
and we will always remember this 
as the last summer before D enters kindergarten.

even though i didn’t even get close to 
implementing my summer schedule
(a lot of that will hopefully be put into a fall schedule)
we still had an intentional and fulfilling summer.

(a playdough man) 

It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; 
you made both summer and winter.
Psalm 74:17

1426. giggling children although they should be sleeping
1427. an absolutely incredible sunset
1428. talking books with a seven year old
1429. a painting project with my B
1430. a two hour “planning” meeting
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