i so don’t sew.

i do not sew.
well, that’s not true.
i can sew on a button if i really need to.


recently, we had something
really, really incredible
happen to us.
(more on this very soon!)
and i wanted to create something fun
for each of us.

so, with the help of some of my best gals,
we shopped,
carefully picked
and matched,
pinned and then
my sis
did all of the sewing.
all of it.
isn’t she just the best?
just the best.

i made one for each of the kids
and then B and i get to share a big one.
sweet and cuddly chevron blankets.
with a little heart hand stitched onto each one.
they make my heart melt.
truly, truly.


For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror;
then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully,
even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12


2521. a fabulous fabric location
2522. so much help
2523. warm apple cider
2524. completing a dreamed up idea
2525. seeing everyone snuggle up in them

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