my desk.

happy halloween!

i have been meaning to post this for a long while.
and today is the day!

we have a great office space at home 
but i never use it because it’s in our converted garage. 
so B got me a desk.
and not just any desk but 
desk i could ever want. 

oh, he is my love.

do you know that when B and i were dating 
and while i was in college, 
he mailed me a cassette tape. 
(yes, remember those?) 
without a label on it.
and when i played it, 
this song came on. 

and on our very first new year’s, 
he created a beach in one room of our apartment 
(with a heater and tropical music) 
and snow in the other 
(with scarves and mittens and 
hundreds and hundreds and hundreds 
of packing peanuts all over the floor. 
i even found some when we moved out of that apartment, years later).

he has beautifully coached me through three labors 
(even though he felt useless during all of them).

he lived with me at the hospital for 44 days.

he lives life with me.
the real life. 
the nitty gritty
with the way ups and the way downs.
he stays by my side through it all.

he lets me go on some fun adventures. 

he encourages me 
and always points me to the cross 
and to a closer relationship with Jesus. 

he loves me. 
that he does.

and he found this
amazing desk on ebay, 
drove an hour each way that night 
to pick it up
and then completely repainted this beauty
in two of my most favorite colors.

Let the word of Christ 
dwell in you richly 
as you teach and admonish one another 
with all wisdom, 
and as you sing psalms, 
hymns and spiritual songs 
with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16

1576. watching a leaf fall from a tree
1577. errands without complaining kids
1578. a quick trip to the pharmacy 
1579. a wonderful different library we visited
1580. library books
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