hope heals.

i am beyond humbled
to have a photograph of mine
included amongst such incredible art
for such an incredible purpose.


the hope heals gospel project
is an art contest put on by
Katherine + Jay Wolf.



and here’s my artist’s statement:


when our third child was born without part of his brain,
doctors told us that he would never see or hear or smile or laugh.
they promised us all sorts of things.
but we have gotten to experience that God’s promises for us
are so much greater than the world’s.
He has promised never to leave us
and He reassures us that His grace is
always, always enough.


this photo captures
our nearly five year old
learning how to walk
and the joy of
God giving us more than we deserve.


I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel,
who summons you by name.
Isaiah 45:3


3291. blowing bubbles
3292. the littlest pool
3293. running with squirt guns
3294. lots and lots of laughter
3295. the crescent moon