summer is a comin’.

i am getting really excited for summer.
as i always do around this time of year.
and summer is not the hardest thing to imagine
as it’s been in the 80s this week.
but don’t get upset,
because just you wait,
it will be gloomy and chilly in june.
so we’ll get our winter after all.

this summer is going to be so very different for us.
so very different.
because i am going to make it different.
this summer, i am opting to do a lot
less therapies.
less of everything.
it will be life changing.
for us all.
and i just can’t wait.
we are just now getting a taste of it.
and it’s delicious.

For if, while we were God’s enemies,
we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son,
how much more, having been reconciled,
shall we be saved through his life!
Romans 5:10

3246. warm evenings
3247. being outside nearly all day
3248. getting rid of that spider
3249. prints in the mail
3250. L walking in a store with his swords