real life is messy.that laundry

is your laundry about as out of control as mine is?
gosh, i hope not –
for your sake.


i am such a good washer
(i.e. i am so very good at
throwing the dirty laundry
into the washing machine
and pressing start).
i’m actually pretty decent at
throwing it into the dryer, too!

but the hardest part for me is the folding
and, wait for it…
the dreaded business of putting it away.


i put it off for days and days
even though every single morning
while i am frantically digging through the laundry basket
which is overflowing with clean yet unfolded laundry,
looking for that
i promise myself to never get to this point again.
yet i do.
again and again and again.


photo (8)


i am reminded in all of this that
His mercies are new every morning.
and with every breath.
every single breath.


real life is messy
is a weekly project to reveal
that i don’t have it all together.
because real life is messy.


i will post a
blog post every week
and encourage you to
reveal your messy real life to others
by using this hashtag on instagram:


and a special thanks to all the ladies
who joined in on instagram.

keep ’em coming.
let’s change hearts and minds in blogland.


and get excited for my gift guide,
coming next week!


Because of the Lord’s great love
we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23


2986. the bigs listening to Jesus Storybook Bible on the ipod
2987. K putting L to bed
2988. the most delicious sounding dinner
2989. a future break
2990. complete and total answer to prayer