things around here.

i’m doing much better
than i was last week.
thank you.


we had such a special Easter this year
and i only have a few shots
of our celebration.



here is K with her cousin, sweet JB
(who apparently looks just as B did as a child).
they bonded over guacamole and chips.


and Grammy bought
ALL of her nine grandchildren
matching Easter outfits
so we thought it would be fitting
to get a group shot.


and then the adults jumped in.


and oh my goodness.
if your inbox is as out of control as mine was,
you must,
i repeat,
you MUST
check out mailstrom here on my dad’s blog.
i went from 14,000 emails to 135 in my inbox
in a little over an hour.


just incredible.


Because of the Lord’s great love
we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:23


2566. a glorious, glorious nap for the littlest love
2567. a great lunch out
2568. a pastor who doesn’t hold back
2569. visiting with my sis and nephew
2570. seeing L’s eyes light up with his cousin around