L and his big boy bed.

we decided to move L into a big boy bed.
and you want to know what?
he transitioned easier than the bigs ever did.
that boy continues to surprise us.


there were many
(too many)
discussions as to what type of big boy bed to put him in.
there were lots of options.
from scary special needs ones
to homemade concoctions.


in the end, we stuck with the very simple:
mattress on the floor
we even got the one from ikea that is barely off the floor.
(that’s where his cute bedding is from, too. for only $14!)
i loved that it was so celebratory.
because that’s what L is to us,
a celebration.


his aunt is working on
some super special things
to adorn his walls.
i’ll be sure to photograph them
as soon as they’re in place.


he’s thrilled.
and so are we.


That is why, for Christ’s sake,
I delight in weaknesses,
in insults,
in hardships,
in persecutions,
in difficulties.
For when I am weak,
then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10


2586. being surprised
2587. being amazed
2588. an early, early wake-up
turning into just an early wake-up
2589. D working quietly with me
2590. rest