beyond blessed.

remember this inspirational family?
(how could you not?)


(don’t be fooled… our house is rarely ever that clean.)


well, their ministry is making these
adaptive seats
for kids with disabilities.


and they brought over this chair
that they made
for our little L.
they put the
cutest, most modern
green cushion on it
since that’s his favorite color.
like i said,
they are amazing.



and he absolutely adores it.
he fits perfectly at our coffee table
and it gives him an entirely new perspective.


he especially loves watching K do art
and it’s such a safe spot for him.


we are forever grateful
and feel
because we are.


 Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not changelike shifting shadows.
James 1:17


2231. others’ generosity
2232. seeing others use their gifts
2233. reflections in the car
2234. just enough pages in my notebook
2235. B finishing his latest writing assignment

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