we recently went to the beach.
i don’t think i have ever seen the beach like that august.
the tide was super low and it was stormy and overcast.
(thanks for taking this photo, Uncle J!)
mister L observed the water from on high.
the bigs couldn’t get enough of the shallow water.
K finally warmed up enough to take her windbreaker off.
more from that beach day to come soon!
He who builds His lofty palace in the heavens
and sets its foundation on the earth,
who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out
over the face of the land–the LORD is His name.
Amos 9:6
1386. a night out to see THE HELP
1387. Grammy’s extra set of hands
1388. a very long game of hide-and-go-seek
1389. the combination of laughter and bubbles
1390. a super quick and easy blood draw for L